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Thoughts after watching The Social Dilemma on Netflix.

Soumik Mandal
4 min readOct 9, 2021

A dilemma is a problem offering two possibilities, neither of which is unambiguously acceptable or preferable. The possibilities have termed the horns of the dilemma, a cliched usage, but distinguishing the dilemma from other kinds of predicament as a matter of usage. Current human society is in a constant dilemma of what is the truth, what is right, what we should do, and many more. We as human beings stopped acknowledging the fact that there are other aspects of life that we are constantly neglecting “for our own good” as we might say.

We as a generation today, this is the first time that our ability to communicate with people has multiplied by trillion times. The history of humanity has never seen anything like this before because of the technological advancement that our generation has. And because of this ability to communicate, a whole lot of things are coming to us from human society only. This was not the case for any human beings a thousand years ago. But they would still be influenced by not necessarily human beings but wild animals or natural calamity perhaps. So influences were always there but nowadays influences are largely from human society. This is making us skewed as we think there is nothing other than human beings though there are millions of different species out there which is more than you and I are and far more important than you and I. We have lost our sense of what are the most significant things happening on the planet as life. If you happened to be out in nature without being protected then you can understand life happens in a way larger than we think, larger than human problems we make so big fuss about. That is why how much education happens how much technology developed we are struggling only more than before as we continuously forgetting there are other aspects and influences of life. The important thing is a disconnection with the natural source of who we are, will create an abnormality and abominable society. And the sad part is that we are moving in that direction with a much higher speed than we imagine right now. This incident will surely lead to the point where many people will not know the nature of their existence.

When human mind is in a certain level of destructive mode every technology is harmful. We don’t know when to stop anything as we always act compulsively. So the problem is compulsiveness. And when we say compulsiveness it is just the absence of consciousness. Conscious human beings would use everything for their well-being and other’s well-being. So from the beginning whether it is radio or telegram or computer or virtual reality or artificial intelligence or whatever the technology is it is not the problem as they are just a device made by us for our well-being as it is meant to be. These technologies are not being used for our well-being but to destroy something. Things have been always that way not just now. If human beings lived consciously and the leadership in the world would have been conscious then the question of using it against human well being or well being of anything would not have arised. Technology is always meant to be the enhancement of human capability. We Use technology either compulsively or commercially. Commerce is a compulsion right now. Slowly because ofthe compulsiveness, we took our commerce to such a point that it controls every aspect of our life.

We call something business as it benefits both the parties. Any transaction is sustainable if it benefits both the parties. If the transactions are not sustainable then the business must have to inject something to it. If we want to flurry any sector with conscious business model then we have to inject some conscious serious competition. We need a massive amount of entrepreneurs so that there is a massive load of conscious business model. Companies should be producing such a product that will need no advertisement. Competition levels eliminates the unfairness of business that is happening. If we manage to bring a little or some consciousness to business leaders then we certainly can bring well-being to ourselves.

There have been so many great beings that had appeared in the world but they never got the chance of talking to a large number of people. But nowadays we can. We don’t have to sell anything on their doorstep and knock. Now we can just sneak into their pocket through a smartphone without their permission. So everybody must do that thing, which they can do the best, because this is our generation and whatever we make out of it is ours. So we should make something in a way that, when we look back at our work we are not ashamed of what we have done. Let’s make it happen.



Soumik Mandal

UX/UI Design student at DESIGNSHIFT /-/ petrolhead and wanderlust by nature.